Nourish Your Moon Cycle with the Food you Eat

Fresh whole foods, green leafy vegetables, PROTEIN source, zinc and potassium rich foods, healthy FATS - omega 3s & 6s, adequate healthy CARBS

Feed your body well. Support your cells and hormonal balance by supplying the nutrients that your body responds to and needs. Specific vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbs and fats provide the building blocks of hormones, neurotransmitters, enzymes. Specific vitamins, minerals, protein, carbs and fat turn genetic codes on and off, unlock receptors, and activate or shutdown cellular metabolic processes. 

Certain foods will create and sustain inflammation, cause histamine overload, overload liver detoxification processes and so much more. So much more that will cause an overwhelm for you. There is a strong relationship between the foods you eat and your hormones, it is so very important and essential to consider your diet if you are trying to rebalance your health and your hormones.  SImple dietary changes can and will make a big difference and impact you.

A quick word about the word DIET.

If and when I say ‘diet’ I am simply referring to the food you eat.

The word diet can be a trigger word and cause anxiety for some. The word diet has been extensively used in the past for restrictive eating of some form or other. 

But your diet is simply the food you eat. 

Restrictive eating usually gets us a nowhere. I like to encourage filling up your cup with fresh whole foods, oodles of vegetables, healthy protein and good sources of fat. If you follow this principle then there really is not much room left to squeeze processed foods into your diet.

A few tips to help you succeed in making dietary changes to support YOU.


Take 1-2 days to prep for your changes. 

Clear out the not so good foods, and stock with all the healthy fresh vegetables and pantry staples. Plan your daily meals

Keep it Simple

This is especially so if you are not a fan of being in the kitchen. Whether you feel overwhelmed, are too tired, or simply don’t like it.

In any case when starting out to make dietary changes to your everyday diet, then stick to the basics, ie protein and vegetables or salad. The meat and 3 vege way of eating is actually a good baseline. Start with this and vary the vegetables. 

Set Intention

Take a moment each morning to set the intention for the day - your food, your activities, your mood - how do you feel today and honour that. Get up, look outside, walk outside, feel the air, the temperature. Do some movement. A short/long walk, yoga, any activity.

Listen to your Body

Are you hungry, or procrastinating? Are you thirsty and dehydrated? 

Eat at Consistent times

Establish routine and don’t eat late at night. Dont get hangry with low blood sugar levels. A small amount of hunger is good to tune digestion for food. And then eat to be satisfied and not overly full, so, eat slowly, chew food.

Dark Chocolate Option

Dark chocolate is a fermented plant food that is rich in polyphenols and can stave off cravings. It is a healthier option to have.

To support a healthy menstrual cycle and minimise PMS symptoms, follow a diet that supports the changing needs of your hormonal balance throughout the month. Below is a guide for foods throughout the moon cycle.

Five days before your bleed take fish oil, calcium and magnesium, and ginger. Assists with mood balance and cramping.

Seed Support

Flaxseeds/Linseeds, pumpkin seeds (pepitas), sunflower seeds and sesame seeds are nutrient rich foods containing amongst other nutrients - zinc, lignans (phytooestrogen compound), selenium, and omega 3 & 6, and vitamin E. These nutrients all assist the liver with detoxification (clearing out oestrogen from circulation), supporting progesterone and hormone production, follicular and corpus luteum (ovarian) function, and anti-inflammatory action. 

Add to your diet 1-2 Tablespoons per day:

LSA - ground linseed, sunflower and almond blend. Store in the fridge. Add to smoothies, porridge, bircher muesli.

Seed and Nut Blend - make a couple of cups of seed and nut mix, store in fridge to use throughout the week - sprinkle over salads, roasted vegetables, eggs, recipe on N&B website .

Next journal article we will take a closer look at the foods to include your diet on a day to day basis.


Naturopathic clinic allows time for a deep dive into your health. 

Assessing your biochemistry with blood tests, and assessing testing already undertaken by your healthcare provider, or what have you tried in the past. Looking at your health history, your digestion and gut health, immune health, your diet, sleep, stress and lifestyle. 

Treatment with the food you eat, herbal medicine and nutritional supplementation where necessary, to restore your balance - for healthy mind, body and spirit, the physical and the mental.
Reach out if you have any questions, and are wondering whether naturopathic medicine can help you.


Winter Immunity


Your Thyroid & Hypothyroidism