Your Thyroid & Hypothyroidism

What I look for in naturopathic clinic so we can support your thyroid function

The thyroid gland is a beautiful little butterfly looking gland that sits in your neck around your trachea. The thyroid secretes thyroid hormones that are essential for the normal development of many human tissues, and regulates the metabolism/function of virtually all cells and organs - thyroid function can affect all aspects of your health.

The thyroid responds to the environment and is under the direction of the master glands in the brain by a feedback mechanism, ie the hypothalamus and pituitary glands in the brain continually monitor thyroid hormone levels in the blood, and send out stimulating hormones, TRH (thyrotropin releasing hormone), and TSH (thyroid Stimulating Hormone) to the thyroid to secrete more hormone if needed. 


Hypothyroidism is an under-function or low function of the thyroid gland, meaning the thyroid gland does not secrete sufficient thyroid hormones needed for the body to optimally function.

There are many physical signs that may be experienced with hypothyroidism:

  • Decreased general metabolism including lower body temperature and weight gain;

  • cardiovascular fatigue on exertion; 

  • neurological & psychiatric mood impairment, poor concentration and memory; 

  • muscle weakness, cramps, and joint stiffness; 

  • gastrointestinal constipation and bloating; 

  • infertility, impotence, menstrual disturbances, low libido, hyperprolactinaemia, fibrocystic breast, recurrent miscarriage; 

  • Haematological bleeding, iron deficiency anaemia; 

  • kidney function & electrolytes - deterioration.

But, there are actually a number of different classifications of low thyroid function and different areas that need to be investigated to determine the cause of the low function. It could be due to hypothalamus or pituitary function, or, problems at the thyroid gland with the production of the thyroid hormones. These issues can include tumours, radiation treatment, iodine deficiency (iodine is a component of the thyroid hormone), or autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimotos).

“Hashimoto’s is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in Australia, with a high prevalence in women. It is an inflammatory autoimmune condition where antibodies destroy thyroid gland cells.”


Environmental Factors: Alcohol; EDCs, BPA, biphenyl bind to thyroid hormone receptors; mould; heavy metals; 

Nutritional deficiencies iodine, zinc, tyrosine, selenium, Vitamin A & E, for example Vitamin D deficiency associated with increased thyroid autoimmunity

Stress: hypothalamus - pituitary - adrenal axis dysregulation will influence the hypothalamus - pituitary - thyroid axis, and increased cortisol impacts thyroid hormones

Inflammation & Oxidative stress - inhibits thyroid function 

Gut Dysfunction : Microbiome Imbalance, gut permeability, poor digestion & elimination

Coeliac disease: strong association with AI thyroiditis

Infections: Viral & bacterial infections associated with autoimmune thyroiditis onset

Oestrogen Excess: oestrodial reduces iodine uptake & increases thyroglobulin uptake


Unfortunately low thyroid function is associated and entwined with many conditions  including heart and vascular health, kidney function, diabetes mellitus, Poly-cystic ovarian syndrome, neuropsychiatric dysfunction, gut and thyroid axis, anaemia, osteoporosis, infertility and pregnancy, tinnitus and hearing loss.

Therefore, in the clinic when a client is presenting with any of the above conditions, and combined with the physical symptoms as listed then I always consider thyroid function.


Often with your GP it is only TSH that is tested, and the levels that are acceptable in conventional terms actually allow for many subclinical hypothyroidism cases to go under the radar. But, sub clinical hypothyroidism has indeed many far-reaching effects that need to be addressed.

When talking to your GP and if you think that your thyroid function may be implicated then request a full thyroid panel - TSH, T3, T4, rT3, and thyroid antibodies. 

Based on these results and your unique state of health it is important to address many areas. With the thyroid gland it usually takes a multi-pronged approach to bring your thyroid back to function. This will involve:

  • Stress management

  • Dietary guidelines - perhaps gluten free

  • Reduction of exposure to environmental chemicals

  • Correcting nutritional deficiencies

  • Supporting Digestive Function

Naturopathic Clinic provides the perfect opportunity to look at your health in its entirety, to determine if there is hypothyroidism present, and then consider all factors to address the drivers and restore function.  There are of course circumstances where levothyroxine medication is required. But, your health can still be supported with changes to diet and supportive lifestyle choices, along with herbal and nutritional medicine.


Naturopathic clinic can support your health by determining your unique health picture - and with tailored dietary and lifestyle guidelines, and, specific herbal and nutritional medicine for your presentation. Reach out if you have any questions.


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