Winter Immunity

Maintaining your health and wellness during the winter months….nutrition, daily practices and traditional herbal remedies

Yesterday I held a Winter Immunity Workshop at Nourish and Breathe. A workshop that focuses on what you can do at home to support your immune system through winter months, a time when viruses come marching through our front door, and, depending on the strength of your immune system, will affect you to varying degrees. And you may wonder why ‘I’ always get sick but my partner/flatmate does not?

It is easy to feel defenceless against unseen viruses and bacteria, but there is much you can do to prepare for the cold and flu season. Giving your body some extra support against illness through the use of gentle and effective herbs is one of the very best ways to prepare yourself for this time. With just a few simple practices and herbal additions to your daily routine, you can ensure you’ll feel your best all winter long!

Firstly, winter immunity refers to your immune system that is responsible for patrolling your body and activating and fighting against any viruses that are coming in during the winter season. This is as opposed to the part of the immune system that can become activated and establish auto-immune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto’s, or even liver disease. There are 2 main components of our immune systems: the innate immune system or the acquired immune system. The 2 systems involve different immune cells, however they are related and components cross-over, and it is complex as we are organic living human beings. However, when talking about winter immune health we are mostly referring to our innate immune system. 


There are a few traditional principles that support our natural defense systems.

  • Fever. A fever, the raising of body temperature, is the immune system's natural response to kill the invading pathogen (bacteria, virus). It is important to support this fever, and not suppress the fever. If the fever is suppressed the pathogen is likely to survive and extend the life of the illness.

Note: The temperature should always be monitored closely in the young and old for febrile seizures. However, consider whether or not the temperature needs to be brought down synthetically with medications, or, allow the body itself to overcome the illness.

  • Rest. If you are unwell, rest. Your body needs to direct its energy to the immune system to fight the pathogen, the inflammation. Taking over the counter cold and flu pharmaceuticals may do their job to get you to work, but will usually suppress the 

  • immune system and extend the life of the illness. And without adequate rest, instead of a 4 day illness you may feel not 100% for weeks.


Many lifestyle approaches, such as good hygiene, balanced nutrition, and healthy sleep habits, can make a big difference in our overall winter wellness.

Good Hygiene:

  • Regularly wash your hands with soap

  • Encourage a workplace environment that supports rest and staying at home when ill, this will assist reducing the exposure and spreading of pathogens

Healthy Diet:

Eliminate sugar. Sugar can suppress your immune system for hours after ingestion.
Eat fermented foods, take probiotic supplements to support a healthy immune system.
Eat nutritious, unprocessed foods - eat the rainbow to provide all the nutrients your immune cells need
Eat easily digested foods when feeling unwell, this will allow the energy to go to the immune system as opposed to digesting heavy complex foods. Introduce slow cooked soups and stews.

Lifestyle Considerations:

  • Exercise regularly to support the immune system, and rest when feeling unwell.

  • Spend time in the sun and fresh air

  • Stay warm

  • Stay in a good mood and laugh often - shown to boost immune function

  • Hobbies and interests help reduce stress and thereby help maintain health.

  • Reduce your stress. Stress can compromise your immune system. If you find yourself in a stressful situation, breathing exercises and meditation can be helpful tools.

  • Get plenty of rest,

  • Supplements:
    Research on vitamin D shows it is important for proper immune system functioning
    Vitamin C is important as an immune system builder

  • Water: It’s very important to always stay hydrated. Drink lots of warm drinks. Nutritious teas are especially helpful during the winter months, as are spicy chai teas.


There are traditional herbal remedies such as Fire Cider that you can make at home and take daily to provide that daily boost and support for your immune system to ward off any invading pathogens. 

Similarly there are herbal remedies that offer acute symptom support. At the immune worksop we made a Sage Throat Oxymel to soothe irritated throats and kill off the pathogen present. 

There are many herbal medicines that can be used to provide symptomatic support, and support your immune system to do its job. 

The herbal medicines are unique to what you are experiencing. A cough that is heavy and wet and set deep in the lungs will require a very different herbal medicine than a dry irritated cough. A herbal medicine given for the dry cough will actually exacerbate the symptoms of an already wet and moist cough. And that is the beauty of herbal medicine:

  • It supports your immune system 

  • Remedies are specific to the condition

  • Remedies can be tailored to you and your unique needs


If you are in a good state of health, feeling vital,
feeding your body bountiful nutrients,
balancing your daily stresses,
supporting a strong healthy digestive system,
adequate sleep, and
minimal exposure to environmental toxins
then your immune system has the capability and resources to keep you well against the winter bugs. 

It is just as important to focus on your overall health including stress and digestion, to support your immune system.


Naturopathic clinic allows time for a deep dive into your health. 

As we approach this winter season, if you have concerns about your immune system and would like to understand what naturopathy can do for you, come see me in naturopathic clinic for an overall health consultation. 

If you have been struck down with a nasty bug and need some immediate support, I offer acute 15 min consultations for immediate support on Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays - and over the counter support Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays.

Treatment with the food you eat, herbal medicine and nutritional supplementation where necessary, to restore your balance - for healthy mind, body and spirit, the physical and the mental.
Reach out if you have any questions, and are wondering whether naturopathic medicine can help you.


Nourish Your Moon Cycle with the Food you Eat